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Enhancing Learning Motivation (ELMO)
Erasmus+ KA2– Strategic partnership for exchange of good practice
Period: 2018-2020
Budget: 91670 EUR
Coordinator: Stephansstift Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung gemeinnützige GmbH, Hannover, Germany
Lietuvos suaugusiuju svietimo asociacija, Lithuania
Federacion Española de Universidades Popular, Spain
Knowledge Association, Bulgaria
Narlidere Oguzhan Ortaokulu – Izmir, Turkey
The goal is the development of a social and emotional teaching approach as a resource for multipliers to increase learners’ learning motivation. In particular, the following topics will be dealt with: emotions in learning (especially humour and laughing), learning atmosphere (creating a learning environment as a trust-creating “Safespace”, group dynamics, attachment to the teacher), brain-appropriate learning, intercultural competence and sensitivity to different learning cultures.
The target group in focus of this project are multipliers: teachers, educators, social workers, volunteers, tutors etc. (staff from participating organizations).
They will take part in 3 Learning/Training/Teaching activities with the topics of
- Emotions in learning
- Teacher personality, bondage, classroom atmosphere (social learning)
- Brain-appropriate learning (cognitive learning methods that fosters positive emotions and makes learning easier)