Project name: ‘Civic participation for a transparent local government’
Budget: BGN 69 182
Funding: ‘America for Bulgaria’ Foundation
Period of implementation: 1/01/2021 – 30/06/2022 (18 months)
Project ‘Civil participation for a transparent local government’ aims to increase civil participation on the territory of the Lovech region by improving the awareness and knowledge of representatives of local NGOs, youths, businesses and media concerning the mechanisms put in place to exercise control over the spending of public funds.
Activity 1 – Focus Groups
Eight focus groups with representatives of local NGOs, youths, media and businesses aiming to identify the obstacles to achieving better awareness and the reasons for the low level of civil monitoring of public funds on a local level.
Activity 2 – Trainings
Three trainings for the representatives of local businesses, NGOs, media and young people from Lovech region. The topics of the trainings are:
- Forms of civil participation on a local level
- Government, Democracy, Values
- Structure of a municipality budget, public procurement, tenders
Activity 3 – Partner Ateliers
The partner ateliers aim to present, in an informal way, the work of the local government and the public institutions that deal with public funds, as well as showcase the expectations of the citizens, in particular the representatives of the local businesses, NGOs and media. Four ateliers will be held – one for each of the four big municipalities in the Lovech region.
Activity 4 – Methodology for citizens monitoring over the use public funds
Activity 5 – Public Forum ‘About our money’
A forum to present the methodologies for civil monitoring and to promote a wide public discussion between all interested parties.